Polymyxin: a Polypeptide Antibacterial Applied to Multidrug-resistant Gram-negative Bacterial Infection 治疗多重耐药革兰氏阴性菌感染的有效抗菌药&多黏菌素
IKK-beta, a kind of sub form of IKK, play the critical role in the activated process of NF-B. Polymyxin B ( PMB) is a kind of antibiotics with obvious anti-endotoxin. 多粘菌素B(PMB)是一种具有显著抗内毒素作用,同时抑制IKK-β激活的抗生素。
Studies on the Interaction Mode between Polymyxin B Sulfate and DNA with EB as a Fluorescence Probe EB荧光探针法研究多粘菌素B与DNA的作用方式
Comparative study of binding power of polymyxin B and its simulating peptide to lipopolysaccharides lipoid A 多黏菌素B及其模拟肽与脂多糖类脂A结合的比较研究
Polymyxin is the currently available antibiotics on the market. It would often make the clinician helpless to high fatality rate and serious clinical consequences, once a patient has been infected. 除多粘菌素外目前市面上有售的抗生素对其完全无效,患者一旦感染,往往使临床医师束手无策,病死率极高,造成极其严重的临床后果。
Polymyxin B alone have a good effect against P. aeruginosa, and ciprofloxacin ( fluoroquinolone), imipenem(β-lactam) combined have significant antibacterial effects of combined. 多黏菌素B单用有很好的抗铜绿假单胞菌效果,与环丙沙星(喹诺酮类)、亚氨培南(β-内酰胺类)联合应用也有明显的联合抗菌效应。